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Stacking and golfing

Yesterday I opted to pair my stack training with a round of golf, with the stack session done before heading out for 18. Now, this is something I'm probably going to have to evaluate that going forward as it does put my body under a lot of stress heading into the round, meaning I'll likely do it the other way around next time out to see the cause and effect.

In terms of the stack session it was another good one and another where I found another 1mph, taking me up to 12mph overall in the first six sessions of the foundation program. I know I'm moving the needle too as I feel like I'm stretching various muscles in my body I'd never previously considered as a factor.

The great thing about the stack app is the motivation it provides during the session too as you look to swing harder and faster with every backswing and follow through. The notification and auditory message you receive when beating a record, such as the set record, shown in the bottom left, just makes you want to go even faster and find ways that might achieve that.

This is important, especially for someone like me who already strikes the ball pretty well and doesn't take lessons, because it forces you to adapt, little-by-little, in order to find those extra mph. Startlingly it was during the fourth stack session I realised that my grip on my lower hand was underneath the club far too much, which for some reason is ideal for me when it comes to fairway woods but with driver and irons just turning the hand round a little has had a dramatic impact on my dispersion on course, whilst helping to ramp up my CHS.

The two 101's in set 3 are now the benchmark going forward but overall I was slower in that set, having averaged 99mph last time out, so there are ebbs and flows in the gains.

Let's shift focus now though and take a look at my on course performance, which, coming off the back of that 77 the other day, I knew it would be a tough act to follow. However, whilst I didn't break 80, I was right on that number, which is in the lower percentile of my rounds currently and once again shows my potential window is lowering. Looking at my 'glimpse tracker' spreadsheet my 2023 average is 81, which in reality is being hurt quite badly by the first round of 88 but is still 3 shots ahead of my 2022 average. Meanwhile, putting is looking in decent shape too with 4x32's and a 30 leaving the average at 31.6 versus 31.88 for 2022.

If the last two rounds are anything to go by it won't be too long before we see another shift in my handicap too, as at +9 and +12 those rounds are well inside scores currently in my top eight rounds in the system.

Let's keep going, single figures here we come!


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