Today's stack session saw a return to my top speed - 99mph in the 195g weight category, with my sessions becoming more closely aligned again, just as they were at the start of the foundation program. It'll be nice to nudge the bar over that 100mph barrier but it's safe to say that will happen, it's just a case of when (I mean, it technically already has, as the figures are calculated based on my mini driver, not driver shaft length).
In the meantime I'm still finding speed in the other weight categories, with a new set record achieved on both attempts at the 120g today.
The 101mph swings that I got in both of those sets is also my highest single at 120g and with three at 100 in that second set at that weight I was quite pleased.
I'm also making some tweaks with my swing at the moment which I think the stack should help ingrain, as it seems to help with organising your swing, especially at the higher weights.
Let's keep pushing.
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