Here we go then, onto the second stack program in my search for more speed and as I mentioned in the previous post, I have moved onto the full speed spectrum program. I'm going to cover something going forward too, as it might seem like my speed has suddenly jumped up and that's because it has. However, there's a reason for this - driver shaft length.
During the course of the foundation program I had the stack system set at my mini driver length, as that's what was in the bag when I started the program. I can't remember exactly when but at a fairly early stage in the program I got hold of a stiff Fujikura Ventus shaft for the limited colourway Cobra XB head I'd had for some time, meaning the shaft length between the two was 43.75 for the Original One mini driver and 45.5 for the Cobra.
This has a bearing on the calculations used to estimate eSpeed and distance potential in the stack app, so I decided to stick with the mini for that program. However, I've switched going into the full speed spectrum and that will obviously have a bearing on the numbers.
In order that you can see how much this has an effect I have done a side-by-side showing the mini vs the Cobra (above), with that shaft length resulting in 4mph more eSpeed and 12 yards in distance potential.
It seemed a sensible decision to take seeing as I'm now taking the Cobra off most tee boxes, with the mini in use on shorter par 4's and off the deck when the lie permits (Still extremely pleased I bought the mini as it got me out of a tough spot when I just couldn't hit the big stick at all and it'll remain in the bag as it's pretty versatile).
Anyway, as you can see, the first session is in the bank and my speed, which had tapered off towards the end of the foundation program, is back. Top speed on the stack with the mini was 98mph, so 1mph off the top in this session.
I do find that it's tempting to use max swing even on the full swing sets but have resisted that urge thus far and it's easy to see that currently my full swing (course cruising speed) is around 3-4mph slower than my max. And, this is what you'd expect, after all those max swings are an exaggeration of my full swing, as they should be but, the more you do this the more controllable those exaggerated swings have an influence on the full swing.
I know, due to the way I feel on course with my driver in hand that my ceiling has been raised significantly (for me) compared with where it was and I also know there's much more to come.
Just going over the first session in the Full Speed Spectrum program quickly, it was a case of 195g at full swing, with an average of 86mph, 145g at full swing, with an average of 92mph, back-to-back on the 145g but with a max swing and an average of 95mph and then a max swing set with the 195g with an average of 92mph.
Notably there was also eight swings in set 2, whereas there was only six in the other three sets.
I thought I'd circle back to the progress check for the foundation program too, as last time out I hadn't figured out where the data sets were in the stack app. Anyway, as we can see from the figures above the driver was up by 5mph.
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