Having got back on the horse with session 22 it was time to crank things up a notch for session 23, with records tumbling on the 135g by 5mph, both in terms of the fastest and the set, with a 103 and a 102mph versus the prior 98 and 97mph respectively.
But, it's the driver related 195g that really draws the attention, as not only did I hit the magic 100mph Stack / 110mph eSpeed number that I set as my stretch goal when I began stack training, I did it twice in the set. Furthermore, I took the set record up to 99mph, gaining 2mph over the previous best, with the first in the set the one holding down the average.
That pushes me over the 300 yard distance potential precipice for the first time too with a 99/109mph tallying 303 yards.
So, I still have a little ways to go to be at the average of 110mph / 307 yards distance potential but I don't think it's actually that far off. I felt a lot quicker during this session and I think it's partly due to the stack arranging some of the swing moves I've been trying to incorporate as of late. Allied to this and owing to the ankle injury I'm currently nursing, I started to flare my lead foot at setup, which, I know, I should have been doing this already but, in days gone by, when I was less mobile, this actually hurt my knee.
Anyway, this simple change in my setup seemed to unlock something, as I felt like I was shifting weight better in transition and clearing my hips better.
Anyway, the upshot is that we'll soon be looking for a new stretch target but what should it be?
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